Post by m***@gmail.comThanks! So i can stop looking for it, you think? Bummer, because i
would have liked to complete my collection of Robotech kits. Guess i'll
have to go with the ARII kit...because personally, i like the bigger
Completist, eh? Well, I flirted with that a while. Are you just collecting the Robotech models
that were actually seen on the show, or do you include the Dougram and Orguss kits that were
also imported as Robotech Defenders?
This site lists almost all of the Revell imports. Actual Japanese names:
Aqualo -- Mackerel
Ziyon -- Bigfoot
Thoren -- Soltic Roundfacer
Zoltek -- Dougram Jagt
Condar -- Soltic Bushman
Gartan -- Ironfoot
Decimax -- Nikick (from Orguss)
Exaxes -- Ishforn [from Orguss)
Dromedin -- Crabgunner
Sand Stalker -- Desertgunner
Ice Rovers -- Ground Search hovercraft
Terrattacker -- Native Dancer
Armored Combat Team -- Roundfacer + Bromry & Willis Combat Vehicle Set
Strike Force -- Ironfoot + Duey attack helicopter
Assault Squad -- Blizzardgunner + Instead tank
Robot Recovery Unit -- Eyevan
Airborne Attackers -- Bushman + Mavellic transport helicopter
Commando -- Tequilagunner
The Dougram series kits were all made by Takara who still has the molds. They licensed Doyusha
to repress some of them in the late 1990s. The Orguss kits, except for Nebo (ex-IMAI) were all
ARII molds.
Nebo -- Kei type Orguss
Orbot -- VF-1D
Vexar -- VF-1S
Axoid -- VF-1J Miria type
Trigon -- Emaan recovery unit Drifand Dal (from Orguss)
BTW, the 1/170th Factory Module parts, sans robots, were also sold paired with 1/144th jet
fighters as ARII's "Space Tactics" series.
There were more 2-in-1 kit 1/170th scale sets as well:
Recon Team -- VF-1S Battloid + VF-1D Fighter
Ground Attackers -- Armored VF-1A + VF-1J Guardian
Allied Forces -- Armored VF-1S + VF-1J Fighter
Sniper Squad -- VF-1D Battloid + VF-1S Fighter (this and the Search Patrol sets were IMAI kits
whereas all the others were ARII. The IMAI kits are rarer and more potentially valuable now)
And there were two more "tail-ender" Changer Valkyries:
VF-1J Blue Max
VF-1D trainer
My information comes from the Galactic Trade Commission catalog. Hope this helps.
Stephen Bierce